From Surface to Soul: Your vision Needs a Why

What if you had a tool that could transform your dreams into actionable goals? That’s the power of a vision board. It’s not just a collection of images; it’s a window into your soul. Or at least it should be. Here’s how to create a vision board that reflects your dreams and guides you towards your best self.

The Essence of Vision Boards

Creating a vision board is about more than sticking random pictures on a board. It’s about projecting your authentic desires and setting a path to achieve them. Key word there in case you missed it, AUTHENTIC. The things you include should evoke strong feelings. In other words, your goals or visions need a WHY. 

For example. If you're putting a Prada handbag on your board, I want to know the WHY behind it. Because if it's there because you think it will make you look a certain way. Or because you think it's what you SHOULD be aspiring to, then this is a NO. But if you love the craftsmanship of a beautiful bag. If value them as a statement piece, and it's been on your wish list, then this is a YES. 

Remember, this board is for you. Its purpose is to continually remind and inspire you toward your personal goals.

Step 1: Define Who You Want to Be 

To start, get clear about your ideal self. What are your aspirations? How do you want to feel, and who will be by your side? Reflect on the successes and lessons from the past year. Use this reflection to shape a vivid, detailed vision of who you want to become. Journaling these thoughts can be a powerful way to start.

Step 2: Organize Your Vision into Categories 

Clarity comes from organization. Try segmenting your vision into categories. Like Business, Mindset, Health, Family, Relationships, Finances, and Joy. Segments will help structure your board. It also helps you define your vision for the aspects of your life that matter most to you.

Step 3: Set Clear Intentions 

First, set your emotional goals. These goals are all about the FEELINGS. How do you want to feel by the end of the month/quarter/year? Then set specific, measurable goals. We need to be able to measure our goals or we will not strive for them. 

Think like this. Say you had a Money goal. You might want to save $10k for a holiday. You'll be able to measure this over time, breaking it down into smaller achievable goals. But you also need to look at how you will feel when you achieve that goal. Will you feel safe or free or excited? That would be aligning an emotional goal. 

Or say you have a fitness goal you want to achieve. You wouldn't just say, I want to be fit. You need to have intention. So, think more like - I want to be able to run 5km without stopping. That is measurable. These intentions will guide the visuals/pics you choose for your board.

Step 4: Your Vision Imagery 

Choosing the pictures for your vision is important. The best place to start is Pinterest to find images that align with your goals. For instance, if you aim to run twice a week, look for motivational images of runners. This selection process is so important. These images will serve as daily reminders of your targets, so they need to reflect what each goal means for YOU. 

For example. I had set myself a money goal, but I didn't want to Write that goal on my board. It was personal to me. The emotion behind my goal was making Smart decisions with my money. So, I found a cute image of a piggy bank wearing black frame glasses. To me, this was the perfect representation of Smart Money. It didn't mean anything to anyone else who looked at the board, but I knew what it meant for me.

Step 5: Create Your Board 

Now it’s time to bring your vision board to life. Step on is to print your photos. Then grab a canvas or frame and start creating. Why not make this a special event! Pour yourself a margarita or a glass of wine, play some uplifting music. Allow yourself to be fully immersed in your vision of the future. 

This can also be a fun activity to do with friends or family. Why not grab your besties and have a vision boarding date. Not only is this a great opportunity for connection. When we talk about our goals as well as visualising them, we are even more likely to move!

Step 6: Daily Reflection

Place your vision board somewhere you will see it every day. Instead of scrolling in the morning. Make it a habit to pause and reflect on the images and what they represent. Feel the emotions associated with your dreams and goals. This constant visual reminder is key to maintaining focus.

And don't forget to celebrate when you realise you have an achieved one of your visions! I like to take a picture down if I have reached the goal it represents. I do this over time and then when it's starting to look empty, I refresh my board and do the process again. You don't have to do it this way. But make sure you are celebrating your wins. 


Your vision board is more than just a decorative piece. it’s a tool that can help you achieve your dreams. Follow these steps and create a vision board reflects your WHY. Because your WHY will help you get us in the morning to turn those desires into reality. Start today and watch as your best-self unfolds.


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