The Power of Knowing Your Team: Incentives

Want to know the secret to truly effective incentives? It’s not just about dangling a carrot in front of your team and hoping they’ll chase it. It’s about knowing your team – like really knowing them. And then creating incentives that resonate with each individual. 

Why Knowing Your Team Matters

We all know that people are motivated by different things. Some are driven by money, others by recognition, and some by personal growth. Take the time to understand what makes each team member tick. Then create incentives that are not only appealing but also incredibly motivating.

Imagine trying to motivate your team with a one-size-fits-all incentive. Something like a generic bonus scheme. BORING!!! Sure some might find this exciting. But for others, it will fall flat, I promise you that. Personalise your incentives so your team member feel valued and understood.

Ways to Get to Know Your Team Better

Surveys and Questionnaires

Want to know how to start understanding your team better? Simple - Ask. Now I'm not trying to be patronising and I know there's a little more to it. But seriously, ask the questions. Now we find the least confronting way to do this is by using surveys and questionnaires. Nobody want s to be bailed up in a corner for a Q and A session. They can be anonymous to encourage honesty and can cover a range of topics. Things like what types of rewards they value most. Or something relating to their personal and professional goals.

One-on-One Meetings

Regular one-on-one meetings are invaluable. If you aren't already doing these then friend we need to talk. One on Ones should be informal and focused on the individual. These conversations build trust and give you a deeper understanding of your team.

Casual Conversations

Don’t underestimate the power of everyday interactions. Casual conversations can reveal a lot about a person’s interests and values. Make it a habit to engage with your team regularly. Listen actively, and note down any useful information about what drives them.

Identifying Individual Motivators

Love Languages in the Workplace

Love languages are incredibly useful in the workplace. The five love languages are –

  • words of affirmation

  • quality time

  • acts of service

  • tangible gifts

  • physical touch.

Knowing these can help you understand how to make your team feel appreciated. For instance, someone who values words of affirmation might appreciate public praise. While someone who values quality time might prefer one-on-one mentoring sessions.

For a full breakdown of the 5 love languages, check out our podcast episode - HERE

Personal and Professional Goals

Try lining up incentives with personal or professional goals. Maybe one of your team is aiming for a specific career milestone? You might offer opportunities for professional development as a reward. Or another team member is saving for a personal project. They might be saving for a new car or a holiday so a financial bonus might be more motivating for them.

Tailoring Incentives to Match Individual Preferences

Monetary vs. Non-Monetary Rewards

It’s important to strike a balance between monetary and non-monetary rewards. While financial bonuses can be motivating, they aren’t always the most meaningful. Non-monetary rewards can come in many different styles. It might be something simple like public recognition. Or for those that value time it could be time off. Some will strive for opportunities for growth. 

One Team, Individually Keen

While it's crucial to understand each team member's personal motivators. it’s equally important to align these individual drivers with the team’s common goals. Remember our saying: "One team, individually keen, makes the dream." Using the individual motivators to drive the team towards the greater goal. This way, incentives support and enhance team spirit, rather than detract from it. When everyone is working towards a common goal, it strengthens the team as a whole. Implementing and Tracking Incentives

Adjusting as Needed

Be flexible and willing to adjust incentives. We are all motivated by different things as we move through different season of life. We need to be prepared to pivot based on your team’s changing needs and preferences. What motivates someone today might not be the same thing that motivates them in a year. Regularly revisit and update your incentive programme. This is key to keeping it relevant and effective.

Consistency is Key

Now, here’s the biggie – consistency. There’s no point in setting up an amazing incentive programme if you’re not going to follow through. Your team needs to see that you’re committed to the incentive programme. If you’re flaky, your staff will feel it, and they won’t strive for it.

Consistency means regular check-ins, celebrating small wins, and providing ongoing support and encouragement. Your team needs to see that you truly care and that you're excited about their success. Then they will be more likely to return that care and work to achieve the goals you've set together. It's like they have their own little business within your business.


So, start getting to know your team better today and throw your old incentives out the window. (Unless they're working but the fact that you made it this far down, tells me they aren't.) Incorporate these personalised incentives and you’ll see your team’s motivation soar. But in the sage words of Sabrina Carpenter please please please, be consistent!! This small investment in understanding your team can lead to big rewards for all involved.


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